Planting Goldenrod – the butterfly magnet
Goldenrods (Solidago) spring up en masse in the natural summer landscape. Topped with plumes of fluffy yellow flowers, goldenrod is sometimes considered a weed. Unknowing gardeners may find it a nuisance and wonder, “What is the plant goldenrod good for?” Goldenrod plants have multiple uses, from providing shelter to larvae of beneficial insects to attracting butterflies. Learn how to grow goldenrod and experience the many benefits. What is … Continue Reading ››
Planting Lavender – Alan Titchmarsh tips
When it comes to plants that earn their keep, lavender is in the top rank. It looks good all year round with its neat mounds of narrow grey leaves and the aroma they impart when brushed against is a great delight. Then those wonderful spires of purple flowers open in summer and can be cut to make into lavender bags for those who like their undies to be … Continue Reading ››
Brown pots – special offer
Beautiful brown pots on sale. A practical glazed container with neutral color, ideal for your flower to stand up.
Large was €34.99, now is €19.99.
Medium was €24.99, now is €14.99.
Small was €12.99, now is €7.99.
Large was €
Medium was €
Small was €